Peppered Roast Trout, serves 3-4
Ken Drummond, Professional Fishing Guide, Central Plateau

A delicious and easy recipe for a melt-in-the-mouth, flavoursome fish:
2x tablespoons whole black peppercorns
1x tablespoon whole Szechuan peppercorns
1/2 tablespoon whole Jamaica pepper (allspice)
1/2 tablespoon coarse cooking salt
1x whole trout, gilled and gutted – 2-4 lb
1x tsp lemon juice
1/2 cup of a crisp Marlborough sauvignon blanc
Step 1 - Lightly toast whole spices in a dry frying pan, then grind or pound coarsely and blend with salt.
Step 2 - Blend 1 tablespoon of the spice mix with 1 tablespoon of sweet New Zealand butter and lemon juice. Rub the mix on the skin and in the cavity of a whole trout.
Step 3 - Place the trout on a sheet of aluminium foil in a baking dish. Roast open at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes, then add enough white wine to moisten the fish. Wrap the foil over it to seal in the moisture, and cook gently for a further 20-30 minutes for a 3lb fish. Allow approx 15 minutes per pound.
Serve – Able to feed 3-4 hungry people, place whole fish with foil on a large sharing plate. Open foil, smell the aromatics and tuck in.
Ken suggests accompanying trout with a crisp New Zealand sauvignon blanc or pinot gris.