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List your event

Do you have an upcoming event happening around Taupo, Turangi Tongariro, Mangakino or Reporoa? Listing an event on lovetaupo.com is free and easy.

All you have to do is list your event on Eventfinda.

Step 1: List your event

Click on the List Event button located on the top right of the Eventfinda website.

Step 2: Login or create an account

Use your Facebook account or email to register.

Step 3: Create a new event

Please enter your event tile and venue. Select Waikato for region, Lake Taupo for Suburb and then select town (Mangakino, Reporoa, Taupo or Turangi). Select your category and sub category based on the type of event it is classified under.

Step 4: Enter date & time

Enter your date, start time and end time. If the event is more than a day, select + at the right hand side. Continue by entering your event website and description.

Step 5: Upload feature image

Upload a feature image for your listing. Make sure this is your 'hero' image which does the best job in representing your event. If possible, don't use a poster or an image with too much wording. 

Step 6: Upload more images

Please upload more images to represent your event. The more the merrier as people are attracted to images.

Step 7: Review and submit

Please review your listing and click submit for approval once you are happy with your listing.

Once your event listing has been approved by the Eventfinda team, it will then be pulled to our site. Allow 48 hours for the feed to update to lovetaupo.com.

If you don't see your event on lovetaupo.com 48 hours after it has been approved by Eventfinda, please contact us.

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  4. List your event