Taxicat Adventures - Western Bays - Chasing Waterfalls


Love waterfalls - so do we. Come and explore the Northern end of the remote Western Bays of Lake Taupō with one of our Western Bay Chasing Waterfalls cruises.

Our year round Western Bay Taster cruise departs from the Kinloch marina which is just a short 15 minute drive from Taupō township. Kinloch is the gateway to the remote Western Bays of Lake Taupō where there is so much untouched beauty and hidden gems to be discovered that it has to be one of the top 10 things to do in Taupō. Whether it's a waterfall obscured by a rocky outcrop bursting forth from a stream swollen by recent rain, the impressive Otupoto falls or a ravine to nose the boat into to discover its hidden secrets, we can guarantee you'll love our cruises.

Opening times

Business hours
8:30am to 8pm, Daily
Months of operation
All Year


$129 (Adult)
$90 (Child)
+64 27 829 4228
Physical address:
Chasing Waterfalls 1.5 Hour Taster
10 Kinloch Esplanade
New Zealand

The content on this page was created by Taxicat Adventures - Western Bays - Chasing Waterfalls.

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