Danske Mobler

Showcasing quality, design, style and fabulous furnishings - everything you expect from one of the world's leading brands.

Discover our hidden depths because even though we've got the largest showroom in town, we can't show off all our treasures at once, which is why we're online and why our creative and resourceful team will happily find the right piece, colour or fabric to suit you.

Featuring all the same quality, style, variety & professionalism that Danske Mobler has become famous for in over 50 years selling quality furniture to New Zealanders.

The store’s co-owners, John & Sue Collett are long-time Taupo residents. Working in close partnership with Danske Mobler, they have created the Central North Island’s leading furniture store with the support of a great team of highly trained, professional sales consultants with well over 50 years combined retail experience. They continue to raise the standards for sales & service in Taupo & strive to give customers from all over NZ a unique & welcoming experience with a focus on quality furniture options at an affordable price.

+64 7 378 3156
Physical address:
29 Totara Point Shopping Centre
New Zealand