Ruia Taitea - Tūwharetoa Ahurei Festival

Ruia Taitea is an annual cultural festival that brings Ngati Tuwharetoa descendants together in celebration.
We celebrate through song, haka, kai, mahi toi and everything that is uniquely Tūwharetoa.

We are proud to showcase:
- Live Marae Kapahaka Performances
- Pakihi Māori Stalls
- Toi Exhibitions
- Marae Cooking Competitions

All ages welcome! There's kids fun park and a fully catered VIP area for our Kaumātua.

Nō reira e ngā uri o Tūwharetoa, nau mai, haere mai!

  • Sat 8 Feb, 9:00am - 4:00pm
Ticket information:
Riverside Park & Unison Amphitheatre
All Ages
Visit website
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